By Mirza Kashif Baig
The menace of terrorism is plaguing the entire world these days. There is hardly any country in the world which isn’t affected by this problem. In the past two decades terrorism is responsible for some major geographical changes. From a teenagers eyes this happened when all of a sudden the mightiest of the nations in the world was attacked on September 11. World Center (the twin towers) was taken down by two highjacked planes.
Entire world was shocked and felt sorrow at the loss of innocent lives, and the wise awaited the wrath of America on the culprits whoever they might be. USA got lucky and found passports,un-burnt and unharmed passports, of individuals who were Muslims and were linked Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda . Many thought that this was odd as wreckage of an airplane, which went down in flames and took down tow mega structures, would incinerate every secret it held but somehow through some unnatural phenomenon the passports survived . Thus, it led to the invasion of Afghanistan, in the name of uprooting Al-Qaeda, and Iraq in the name of weapons of mass destruction which had the risk of falling into the hands of extremists.
Thousands were killed, hundreds of thousands were affected in one way or the other and a global war was started, which knew no bounds. Iraq did not yield any weapons of mass destruction, it couldn’t even defend itself, and
Pakistan had had enough and these terrorist organizations were uprooted by Pakistan’s armed forces .
Nearing Al-Qaeda’s end Iraq witnessed the formation of another terrorist organization by the name of Islamic State
{IS) . This again came as a surprise because Iraq was completely under American rule, despite that such a vicious and dangerous terrorist organization emerged from Iraq and somehow it ended up working against America’s opponents and thereby in favor of USA. It doesn’t take a genius in this case to put two and two together. These terrorist factions didn’t just emerge, in fact they were created and the world needs to understand that terrorists have already taken up a Afghanistan plunged into an era of war and tyranny.Suddenly strong place in the world and they are not non-state actors.
in the midst of it all, terrorist faction of Tehrik-i-Taliban (Pakistan) sprung up in Pakistan. Surprisingly, strange enough that when Pakistan playing a key role in the war against terror and had started collaborating with US extensively, the worst form of terrorism started in Pakistan.
All the while Pakistan was victim to the most brutal and inhumane acts of terror the world stood and watched while labeling Pakistan as a terrorist state. Time passed on and many theories started gaining ground once of which was that the 9/11 was an inside job . This theory had merit as it answered all the unanswered questions . USA failed to curb terrorism and instead USA and its allies are now surrounded in Afghanistan by the Taliban, Iraq is beyond America’s control and is completely destroyed. Its people are living a far worse life than they were living under Saddam’s rule. Despite all the tall American claims terrorism was spreading with Al Qaeda and TTP showing no signs of slowing down, at which They have taken the backseat and dictate to everyone on how to govern this world according to their wishes. These terrorists have infiltrated USA and the West . Israel is their stronghold and USA is their hit man.These terrorist make use of non-state actors to do their bidding.
In such a situation, Asia needs to protect itself against all such sinister plans, especially with CPEC being rolled out. It is important to understand that the fundamental need is to backup philosophy with power and all SCO countries should pool their strength and form something equivalent to that of NATO. Regional Anti-terrorist structure is the need of the hour if the region is to remain balanced and stable . In face of all these challenges and a callous force led by USA and Israel it is very important to consolidate regional defense against them so that they might not be able to harm the region nor hinder its growth. Formation of RATS Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure may prove to be a Key Tool for Stability & Security.