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Pakistan initiative seeks to improve maternal-child care in rural areas

By Ashfaq Yusufzai “We are extremely happy over the government's initiative to give money to the pregnant women and enable them to seek proper treatment,” said Sharif Ahmed at a…

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Does the military still control Pakistan?

By Owen Bennett-Jones Some call it military rule by stealth. Others prefer to describe it as the generals and the politicians working harmoniously in the national interest. But however you…

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Can Pakistan and India ever live in harmony?

Within hours of winning the May 2013 elections, Nawaz Sharif made a point of meeting with Indian journalists who had been covering the campaign. He told them that, as he…

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Eleven years later they have all been rewarded for their role in the murder

By Fatima Bhutto On September 20, 11 years ago, Mir Murtaza Bhutto, my father and an elected member of the parliament, was returning home from a public meeting on the…

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Pakistan army wins gold in exercise Cambrian patrol held in UK

A team of Pakistan Army won the gold medal in the premier patrolling event of the British Army - Exercise Cambrian Patrol - beating around 140 teams from armies across…

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Hot air melting the Arctic

By Yana Pchelíntseva Around 700 new 'methane holes' found in the Arctic shelf by Russian scientists show how fast these emissions are heating up the region. Given the scale of…

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Nawaz Obama Dialogue – Strategic Compass & Strategic Autonomy

The Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and President of United States of America met on October 22, 2015 at White House Washington. Both leaders along with their…

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Putin turns to Internet to win Russian hearts for Syria Campaign

“If we treat Russia seriously as a great power, we need at an early stage to determine whether their concerns can be reconciled with our necessities.” These were the words…

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We are responsible for the Holocaust, Germany tells Netanyahu

Germany has insisted it was responsible for the Holocaust, after Israel's prime minister claimed a Palestinian leader told the Nazis to kill Europe's Jews. Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germans were…

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Russian Presence near Undersea Cables Concerns U.S.

In October 1971, the American submarine Halibut entered the Sea of Okhotsk north of Japan, found a telecommunications cable used by Soviet nuclear forces and was successful in tapping its…

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