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NATO Summit Why US, allies don’t just call it quits in Afghanistan

Howard La Franchi Al Qaeda, oil, and Pakistan, a trifecta of troublesome issues, make the US withdrawal from Afghanistan far more complicated than it was in Iraq. Why can't the…

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FMCT: Scope, and Country prospects

Dr. Maria Sultan FMCT / FMT: the context  December 1993, the UN General Assembly adopted by consensus resolution 48/75  “non-discriminatory, multilateral, and internationally and effectively verifiable treaty banning…

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Iran worries Arabs but they don’t want war

Wadah Khanfar There is no Arab appetite for the chaos caused by an Israeli or western attack on Iran, despite fears over its expansionism. The image of Iran in the…

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America is cooking something?

Non-acceptance of the demands of Pakistan by America for (1) apology on Salala attack (2) To stop drone strikes and (3) payment of US dollars 5000 per container, while they…

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NATO’s shame in Libya

Libya was supposed to be different. The lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan had been learned, David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy insisted last year. This would be a real humanitarian intervention.…

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The shame in Chicago

Munir Akram A surprise awaited at the summit. President Obama refused to meet the Pakistan president 'one-to-one' unless Pakistan agreed to the immediate release of all the 'held up' cargo…

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PAKISTAN Red Cross cuts operations across Pakistan following Khalil Dale murder The International Committee of the Red Cross has announced it has recalled foreign staff to the Pakistani capital Islamabad…

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Debating the ethics of drone strikes

It took a long time coming, but John Brennan, the United States' counter-terrorism chief, finally confirmed what was essentially Washington's worst kept secret - the US has been using armed…

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Seminar by Rabita Forum International FMCT & International Relations

Dr. Huma Baqai FMCT & international relations • Nuclear weapons were always a threat to mankind. They are seen as game changers now • The emergence of conflict between state…

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Tactical nuclear weapon Deterrence stability between India and Pakistan

Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal Associate Professor School of Politics and International Relations, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad India and Pakistan relations have been fraught with conflict since 1947. New Delhi's recent doctrinal…

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