Monday the 5th August 2019, at Social Sciences Auditorium University of Karachi
Nusrat Mirza Chairman, Rabita Forum International
Prof. Dr. Khalid M. Iraqi, Brig. Zahir UL Haider Kazmi, Nusrat Mirza, Prof. Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal,
Mr. Anwar Habib, Prof. Dr. Naeem Ahmed, Dr. Shahid Riaz Khan spoke the Seminar
Prof. Dr. Khalid Mahmud Iraqi Saheb Vice Chancellor University of Karachi.
Brig. Zahirul Haider Kazmi sahib Director General Arms Control and Disarmament (ACDA)
Learned Speakers
Most Respected professors and my dear Students
It is my proud privilege to welcome you all in this seminar specially the vice Chancellor Khalid Iraqi sahib and Brig. Zahir Ul Haider Kazmi sahib. Prof. Khalid Iraqi sahib has graciously accepted to be the Chief Guest of this august Seminar. And Brig. Kazmi has very kindly accepted to be the Key-note speaker in the inauguration session. He travelled from Islamabad and his presence is rare and perhaps the first one of its kind in Karachi after holding the office of Director General ACDA.
I am also grateful to learned speakers Mr. Anwer Habib Former Chairman Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Prof. Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal Professor of Quide Azam university and Shahid Riaz Khan of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission PAEC. All these three speakers came from Islamabad for which I am obliged. My thanks for prof. Dr. Naeem Ahmad chairman IR Department of Karachi University a very kind man.
About Rabita Forum International
Rabita Forum international is purely a Pakistani NGO, having dedicated team to work as defender of Pakistan’s interest in Media and society. I am pleased to announce that RFI has done some remarkable works for the country especially on FMCT and K2 and K3 Issues.
The pressure of Fissile Material Cut off Treaty was released from Pakistan by our sincere efforts.
The hurdles and resistance in the construction of K2 and K3 Nuclear Power Plants of Karachi was successfully overcome by RFI team. These Power Plants will provide Pakistan 2200 MW electricity by 2021. Karachi will be free from electricity shortage in December 2020 when K2 will be completed. The story of hurdles and resistance against the construction of K2 & K3 if described can compile a book. There are dozens of Students present here who have visited functional Kanupp and K2 & K3 under construction.
RFI keeps our youngsters in the main stream and give a feeling that this country is theirs. The youth has to take helm of affairs in their hands and the required confidence has being built in the future generation of the country. There are many activities that RFI carries out to keeps the spirit of Pakistan alive, the sacrifices that Pakistani together with its armed force has and had given have been remembered with zeal and keep the heart and spirit warm. Further,
RFI regularly organize Seminars, Workshops and Roundtable conferences on strategic issues.
RFI publish Strategic daily News Bulletin in Urdu which reaches to thousands of students and available on facebook.
We provide strategic training to M.Phil. Students. We have trained 10 Karachi University students in Strategic Affairs.
We remain in touch with media
RFI think tank Whatsapp group is active
RFI publish two Strategic Monthly magazines one in English “Interaction” the other Zaviah e Nigah in Urdu.
About the topic
Before I conclude, it is necessary that I should speak about the topic. It could be said that it is a rare one.
The Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission is doing a tremendous job for mankind. 18 cancer Hospitals in Pakistan; Two in Karachi, Two in Lahore, one Hyderabad, Nawabshah, Larkana, Quetta, Islamabad, Peshawar and other cities. No patient is refused for treatment even the patient of last stage. In agriculture more than 100 new seeds have been developed by PAEC. 1350 MGW electricity is contributed in the national grid by the PAEC. If Allama Iqbal would alive perhaps he might have somehow satisfied with the research work of PAEC and SPD as he made the shikwa.
I have written a book on it which is under publishing, it will be worth reading. Our learned speakers will describe more details about topic. I am sure the professors, the students and all audience will be enlightened with presentation of learned speakers.
Thank you very much to you all.